Monday 5 March 2012

Tarte aux pommes


 So, here goes my first post. I chose to show you a tarte aux pommes (apple tart) first because, well, it's easy, delicious and as you can see (i hope) extremely pleasant to the eye (aka soo pretty). I've tried doing it with a couple of different fruits and so my expreriments (and by experiments i mean several failed attempts (if a tarte can be failed) that were "pitifully" eaten up in the next few hours) show that if you want to impress with variety of tartes then make fig, apricot and peach tartes. You can't even imagine all the fig tartes i produced this summer because of the success they had at home and then because of the two huge fig trees we have (after the second one i stopped eating the tartes, just cooking them up). 

That's enough useless information from me, i give you the recipe.


For the crust
  • 125g butter at room temperature
  • 250g flour
  • 1 egg
  • A pinch of salt
For the finishing of the tarte
  • 200g compote (apple sauce)
  • 2-3 apples
  • Sugar and cinnamon for sprinkling
Oven preheated to 200*C. The times i mention are approximate - they work with my oven but you'll need to adjust the recipe to yours.

Mix the  butter with the salt and start adding the flour. Mix in a different bowl the egg and add it little by little to the first mixture in the process. In a shallow round backing tray press down the batter while building low walls. Fork the crust and bake it in a preheated oven for 13 minutes. 
On the half-baked crust add the compote (if you want you can add 2-3 tsp sugar). Then on top arrange the apples that you already cut in thin  half-circles (again, the form varries according to your taste). At last to add a nice finishing sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Best served cooled. If you can wait that long. But I suggest you do. 

And then i can give you song of the day: The Bianca Story - Friends bar - braking off a piece of my heart every time i listen to it.